I have 4 dreaded letters that I cannot seem to get over...
Crew leader development programme...
Apparently,I am not finished with it yet... Okay fine... FINE! I admit. I was LAZY to do... But! I also have other more important things to do too you know! Like, FYP.
Speaking of which, FYP is a GO!
We have officially started on it yesterday. We met up with out PI... Dr Rooma. She looked pretty much scary... Maybe because she has really really really really BIG eyes... So, it looked to me as if she was keeping an eye on us all the time. Her eyes are big AND also pretty. She has really long eye lashes! I'm jealous of that! She doesn't even have to put on mascara for it to be long.
We have to collect many many teeth from dentists... I don't know how many exactly, but, we need a lot. =) And I am looking forward to starting on Micro CT ASAP!
Anyway, on the subject of work, I'm pretty much enjoying it really (except the part where I have to do that dreaded CLDP).
Probably because of a certain bloke... A certain "ah-beng"... A certain boy...
OH OH OH! I FINALLY HAD MY FIRST AKWARD MOMENT! HAHA! I know it sounds kind of crepy but, it is true! I had an akward moment which lasted for a couple of seconds... Call me insane but I'm smiling at the mere thought of it...
Mr No Obligations is certainly taking up spaces where I never knew existed...
what we could have been, 4:34 pm.
Okay fine. I admit. I'm too lazy to put up the photos already.
Bad Hila, BAD!
Today, I worked morning shift... And time flew like a jet rocket. I started at 8. But then suddenly, it became 11am! WOW!
Not that I'm complaining... Just wondered how time flew that fast in a few blinks of an eye...
Well, behind in the manager room after my break, he was there. He was looking at his iPhone and I was looking at face. Then, I noticed something that I should have noticed long time ago...
Me: You know, you have long eyelashes...
Him: Really?
Me: Yes, really. You have long eyelashes for a guy - a Chinese guy.
Him: *Looks at reflection and smirks*
Me: *Uh-huh*
On the other hand...
The other he, still lingers on in my mind like a tick to a dog... No matter how much I try to move on, some sign will tell me to wait a little bit more. Hang in there, don't give up just yet! You're going to get him! Just wait.
How long more am I supposed to wait? When is my answer going to appear? What am I going to do about the other guy?
I'm caught in the middle once again and I don't know how to get out of here...
Mr. "I'm sorry, I forgot about you."
Mr. "No obligations"
Dear god, point to me which one...
what we could have been, 10:51 pm.
AIYAH!! MY INTERNET CONNECTION SUCKS! I'll post more once it's fixed! TSKK!!!

what we could have been, 10:18 pm.

I went off during second break yesterday!!!
Finally watched The spy next door~ HEHE~
6 ppls~!
what we could have been, 1:26 pm.