Life has been great so far =)
I like the fact that now, I don't have as much problems as I did in the past.
It's an awesome feeling you know?
Farhan's belated birthday celebration was a blast though it was small and outside of his class...
A small token of revenge for pushing my face into the cake 5 months ago... *snickers*
Farhan! Wear those clothes that we bought for you okay? We would really want to see a change cause those "Uniforms" that you wear is not you. We want to see the proper Farhan okay? =D
Friends are the best thing that could ever happen to you...
what we could have been, 10:02 pm.
Even G.Love said I should move on.
Said I deserved better.
Having that 3 hour heart to heart...
I'm wondering how much you've been hurt.
I'm wondering what you're going through.
It seems to be more painful and more heart wrenching.
You knew he's something...someone special to me.
Yet you told me to move on.
I don't blame you.
I don't hate you.
It's close to impossible to hate you.
You want the best for me.
You want me to be happy.
I want the same for you as well.
I wish I was a better help to you.
I wish I could wipe your tears away.
I wish I could hug you when you're on the other side of the screen crying.
I wish I could make your pain go away. Even if it's just for a moment or two...
You're the epitome of all things good...
what we could have been, 10:13 am.
This is serious business...
I don't know how much longer I can handle work before having a serious break down...
Ever since the renovation, things changed. Seriously changed. I'm trying hard to adapt but it seems like I'm getting nowhere close to adapting. The new environment seems extremely difficult to adapt to.
Other than that, customers are getting lazier/monstrous/petty/impatient by the second. I can't remember when the last time was when I had a decent customer. I really can't. They want this, that and everything. I just feel like telling them, "If you want something done perfectly, why not do it yourself?!" Oh my god. I'm not like those customers you know! I've NEVER been one of those customers who are nasty. Even before I started working.
I feel that it's not me who has the low EQ. My EQ is better than any of those nasty customers. And please... If the dustbin is THAT close to you, why won't you just clear it? It's LESS than a 20 STRIDES AWAY! Damn it!
I'm reaching my limit already...
what we could have been, 11:49 am.